Daily personal technology usage

I must say that I use technology on a daily basis, and several times a day.  It is normally the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning. I use social media such as twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, and others.  I follow several different educational sites on Twitter, especially ones that pertain to technology in the classroom, as well as physical education Twitter pages. This is to stay up to date on the latest articles, activities, and ideas from other educators. I do this to stay educated constantly.  I always look at articles about health, fitness, and physical education.  Thanks to my EDU 451 class, we emphasize technology in the classroom, which is tremendously helpful and allows me to understand how to use technology in my classroom.  I can use exergames such as the Nintendo Wii, as well as the Xbox Kinect in order to get kids excited about exercising.

I think technology is extremely crucial in our society.  Technology is necessary to stay updated and involved in our society, and through constant education, the use of technology, and incorporation of technology in our classrooms, we can be the best teachers possible. This can allow our students to get the best education possible.



7 thoughts on “Daily personal technology usage

  1. Hi Mary! We actually just discussed the growing use of technology in my HSB 388 class. I agree that I use it daily too! An interesting book about this phenomenon is called The Circle by Dave Eggers. It is a fictional story about the dangers of being constantly connected. Just to play devil’s advocate, do you ever feel pressured from feeling constantly connected? Or a decrease in attention span? I know I have over the years, especially because the digital self one presents can be so different from the actual self. Again, just wanted to play devil’s advocate. Thanks for your post!


  2. Great stuff, Mary! I also look at all my social media when I wake up too, I think I’m addicted, haha. But there are so many resources out there for us to learn and grow with. It is all in our pockets, waiting to be discovered. I’m looking forward to using “exergames” in my physical education classes as well. I think they will really connect with it and have a blast using them, all while staying physically active.


  3. I completely agree, Mary! I am always connected to my phone and all of the apps within it. First thing in the morning, I wake up and read buzzfeed, check my email, my facebook, etc. I like how you discussed using technology in physical education. I think it can be hard sometimes to think of ways to use that to get students excited about their health. When I was in high school we used the wii in my health class and those were always everyone’s favorite days in class.

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  4. I also agree with everyone else! Technology is an important part of my daily routine. I’m always checking Instagram, Facebook, my email and other various apps. It can be difficult to figure out how to incorporate technology in the classroom, especially for a PE class. However, there are so many new wonderful interactive games like the Wii and Xbox Kinect that it is possible, just takes a little more creative thinking.


  5. I agree that more people definitely check their phones/social media first thing in the morning. It is a way for people to find out what has been going on with their friends over the past severak days. Also, I plan on using exergames as a fun way to get my students active as well. As exergaming gains more support, it will become a more accepted part of physical education.


  6. Mary, I feel that technology is just another part of our everyday lives now. Smart phones have taken over our social skills through social networking and texting. Talking about exergaming in the classroom, I look forward to finding ways to use technology in our Physical Education classrooms. The kinect and nintendo wii will be a start to our technological use in the classroom but who knows what forms of technology awaits for our classrooms in the future.


  7. I also use technology a lot in my personal life. Like you, I’ve also really enjoyed learning about using technology in ways to grow as educators and increase our PLN. In the world we live in, technology has kind of taken over, so I’m glad education is catching up to it. I’m excited to see what our future holds in using technology as an educational tool!


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